GaaS Platform
This page will link to our new GaaS Platform soon. Here is a link to the DFINITY developers forum where the detail below can also be found.
Project highlights
The Governance-as-a-Service platform tracks technical NNS proposals and enables reviewers to publish reviews in a standardized format. This app was created to make the work process for proposal reviews, review audits, and payment systems more efficient. This app will initially be used by the CodeGov team, but we want it to be accessible by other review teams in the ecosystem.
How is it built
We have a backend canister written in Rust, leveraging some notable libraries:
ic-stable-structures (for storing reviewer-provided data)
ic-http-certification (for certifying HTTP responses)
The canister polls the proposals from the NNS governance canister and stores them in stable memory along with the user-generated proposal review data generated on the platform. Reviewer-uploaded images are certified according to the HTTP Gateway protocol using the certified data specification.
Our frontend is built using Angular and the ic-angular library. The frontend assets are served from the same canister using the same HTTP certification strategy as the reviewer-uploaded images.
We have a comprehensive integration test suite written using PocketIc, PicJS, and Bun. This test suite runs regularly on our CI pipelines to ensure a stable experience for our reviewers and allow us to deliver features confidently.
The project has been developed following SOLID principles, making it a good reference for developing Rust canisters on the Internet Computer.
Go-To-Market strategy
The CodeGov team will use the platform initially and copy/paste our reviews to the forum as required by the current Grants for Voting Neurons program. After we make the platform suitable for multiple teams, we will encourage others to use it as well. If successful, we will encourage DFINITY and the broader community to consider using it to audit review submissions and the Grants for Voting Neurons program. At this time, we don’t have plans to monetize the platform, but there could be future developments along those lines.
Status of the Project and Future Plans
We have completed the MVP for the project and the CodeGov team will soon be actively using it for IC-OS Version Election proposal reviews. We plan to expand the capabilities supported by this project in the future, including adding more NNS proposal topics, adding SNS support, enabling other teams to use the platform, and integration of the payment system for proposal reviews.